

Since deep learning models can take a long time to train, gobbli provides trivial models for certain use cases that can be used to verify your code runs properly without investing a long time into model training.

We recommend scaffolding your code using one of these techniques before switching to a real model. Here are the currently implemented models:

Most models can accept model-specific parameters during initialization. See the documentation for each model’s init() method for information on model-specific parameters.


gobbli implements some logging with timing for deep learning models. If you want to see some more detailed information while running tasks, set up logging like so:

import logging

Using level=logging.DEBUG will directly propagate logs from any spawned Docker containers for even more detailed status information.

High-Level API – Experiments

gobbli’s high-level API supports canned experimentation workflows based on a couple of tasks. It’s easiest to start out with an Experiment and drop down to the lower-level Task API if you need more flexibility.

A high-level overview of each type of experiment follows. For an overview of more detailed configuration options, including parameter tuning, parallel/distributed experiments, and using GPUs in experiments, see Advanced Experimentation. For example experiments on benchmark datasets, see the Markdown documents in the benchmark/ directory of the repository.

Classification Experiment

This type of experiment is useful when you have a classification problem, or a set of documents with associated labels. A gobbli.experiment.classification.ClassificationExperiment requires a model and dataset. The dataset can be either a gobbli.dataset.base.BaseDataset derived class instance or an (X, y) tuple, where X is a list of strings, and y is a corresponding list of labels (or, for multilabel classification, a list of lists of labels). The dataset will be split into train, validation, and test sets. Training will be run on the train set, evaluated on the validation set, and results on the test set will be reporting.

To run an experiment:

from gobbli.experiment import ClassificationExperiment
from gobbli.model import MajorityClassifier

X = [
    "This is positive.",
    "This is negative.",
    "This is bad.",
    "This is good.",
    "This is really bad.",
    "This is really good.",
    "This is pretty good.",
    "This is pretty bad.",

y = [

# Example multilabel format
y_multilabel = [
    ["Fancy", "Cool"],
    ["Scary", "Cool"],

exp = ClassificationExperiment(
  dataset=(X, y)

results = exp.run()

The results object contains raw output (including predicted probabilities) on the test set and several methods for analyzing it, including metrics, error analysis, and plotting. If the provided methods aren’t sufficient, you can perform your own results analysis using the raw output. See gobbli.experiment.classification.ClassificationExperimentResults for more information.

If you want to reuse the resulting model checkpoint in the future, use the get_checkpoint method to save the checkpoint to your filesystem. The returned path can be directly passed to future invocations of the model class to make more predictions or continue training.

Low-Level API - Tasks

If you require more specialized workflows, you can use the lower-level Task API. Experiments run a canned set of tasks with some sensible default parameters. See the following sections for more information on the individual tasks each experiment is composed of.


Deep learning models can generally be fine-tuned on a user’s specific problem after having been pretrained on a large, general dataset. Training enables the model to develop an internal representation more suited to the nuances of a given problem. We generally train models in a classification paradigm, encouraging them to learn to predict a set of labels.

Most gobbli models can be trained. First, create your training input. Multilabel classification is also transparently supported; just pass a list of lists of labels instead of a list containing a single label for each document.

from gobbli.io import TrainInput

train_input = TrainInput(
    # X_train: A list of strings to classify
    X_train=["This is a training document.",
             "This is another training document."],
    # y_train: The true class for each string in X_train
    y_train=["0", "1"],
    # Use the below data format for multilabel classification
    # y_train=[["0"], ["0", "1"]]
    # And likewise for validation
    X_valid=["This is a validation sentence.",
             "This is another validation sentence."],
    y_valid=["1", "0"],
    # Number of documents to train on at once
    # Number of documents to evaluate at once
    # Number of times to iterate over the training set

Now set up your model.

from gobbli.model import MajorityClassifier

clf = MajorityClassifier()

# Set up classifier resources -- Docker image, etc.

Finally, train the model and inspect the output, if you want. See gobbli.io.TrainOutput for the supported properties.

train_output = clf.train(train_input)

Training is generally used to enhance performance on other tasks, such as classification or generating embeddings, rather than being the end product itself.


Classification models predict whether the input falls into one of several predetermined classes (or, for a multilabel model, which of several labels apply).

With a trained model, we can make predictions.

from gobbli.io import PredictInput

predict_input = PredictInput(
    # X: A list of strings to predict the trained classes for
    X=["Which class is this document?"],
    # Pass the set of labels, trained checkpoint, and
    # whether the model was multilabel from the training output
    # Number of documents to predict at once

predict_output = clf.predict(predict_input)

See gobbli.io.PredictOutput for the output structure.

Generating Embeddings

A document embedding is a numeric vector representing the semantic meaning of a document. Embeddings can be used in place of simpler word counts/TF-IDF vectorization methods to account for problems like synonyms having similar meanings despite using different words. The resulting vectors can be used for applications like determining similarity between documents and/or clustering.

Embeddings can be generated from a trained model. Some models also use pretrained weights that can provide a decent representation of documents without additional training. In their case, training is optional but may improve the results.

An example of generating embeddings:

from gobbli.model import RandomEmbedder
from gobbli.io import EmbedInput

clf = RandomEmbedder()

# Construct input for embedding generation
embed_input = EmbedInput(
    # X: A list of strings to generate embeddings for
    X=["We want an embedding for this.", "Also for this."],
    # Number of documents to generate embeddings for at once
    # How to pool the token embeddings to generate a document embedding

embed_output = clf.embed(embed_input)

See gobbli.io.EmbedOutput for the output structure.

Interactive Apps

Now that you understand the basics of how gobbli works, you might want to try out some of gobbli’s Interactive Apps to perform some common tasks without writing any code.


gobbli provides some additional functionality that can be used with or independently of its models. If you want to use gobbli to augment your dataset and transfer the dataset to another modeling framework, feel free.

Data Augmentation

gobbli provides some helper functions to perform data augmentation. If you only have a small set of labeled data, generating new data can help your model perform better. Generated data will be similar but not exactly equal to the original data (similarity can generally be tweaked using some parameters), so you can apply your existing labels to the new data.

gobbli currently implements 3 data augmentation strategies, listed below. All methods allow you to configure the proportion of words flagged for replacement and the amount of data generated.

An example of augmenting a dataset:

from gobbli.augment import WordNet

wn = WordNet()

X = ["This is positive.", "This is negative."]
y = ["1", "0"]

times = 3
X_augmented = X + wn.augment(X, times=times, p=0.5)
y_augmented = y + (y * times)

Document Windowing

Many advanced deep learning models have a fixed max sequence length to limit memory usage for long documents. If you don’t have enough memory available to raise the sequence length to fit all your documents, you can use gobbli’s “document windowing” helpers.

The idea is to tokenize each document and split it into equal-length windows roughly equal to your model’s max sequence length, which will prevent your model from missing any of the information in the documents during training. For tasks after training (such as prediction and embedding), the windowed output can then be pooled in a way that makes sense for your problem. For example, if you’re generating embeddings, you probably want each document embedding to be the mean of all the windows, but if you’re building a classifier to detect whether a subject is discussed in a document, you may want the output predicted probability for each class to be the maximum of all the windows.

You’ll want to use the gobbli.util.TokenizeMethod most similar to your model’s tokenizer to get the most precise windowing.

Here’s an example of document windowing:

from gobbli.io import make_document_windows, pool_document_windows
from gobbli.util import TokenizeMethod

X = ["This is a long sentence.", "This is short."]
y = ["1", "0"]

# Convert the documents to windows
X_windowed, X_windowed_indices, y_windowed = make_document_windows(X, 3, y=y)
# The above objects all contain one or more rows for each window in the document

# Get predictions or embeddings from a model
input = PredictInput(
  labels=["1", "0"],
output = ...

# Pool the predictions for the output in-place
pool_document_windows(output, X_windowed_indices)

# Now you can compare the pooled predictions to the original "y"