gobbli.io module

class gobbli.io.EmbedInput(X, embed_batch_size=32, pooling=<EmbedPooling.MEAN: 'mean'>, checkpoint=None)[source]

Bases: gobbli.io.TaskIO

Input for generating embeddings using a model. See gobbli.model.mixin.EmbedMixin.embed().

  • X (List[str]) – Documents to generate embeddings for.

  • embed_batch_size (int) – Number of documents to embed at a time.

  • pooling (EmbedPooling) – Pooling method to use for resulting embeddings.

  • checkpoint (Optional[Path]) – Checkpoint containing trained weights for the model. See TrainOutput.params.checkpoint.

checkpoint = None
embed_batch_size = 32

Returns: The task information that constitutes its metadata – generally parameters of an input task and/or summarized results of an output task.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

pooling = 'mean'
class gobbli.io.EmbedOutput(X_embedded, embed_tokens=None, _console_output='')[source]

Bases: gobbli.io.TaskIO

Output from generating embeddings. See gobbli.model.mixin.EmbedMixin.embed().

  • X_embedded (List[ndarray]) –

    A list of ndarrays representing the embedding for each document. The shape of each array depends on pooling method. l = length of the document, and d = dimensionality of embedding.

    • Mean pooling (default): (d,)

    • No pooling: (l, d)

  • embed_tokens (Optional[List[List[str]]]) – If pooling strategy is “NONE”, this is the list of tokens corresponding to each embedding for each document. Otherwise, it’s None.

  • _console_output (str) – Raw console output from the container used to generate the embeddings.

embed_tokens = None

Returns: The task information that constitutes its metadata – generally parameters of an input task and/or summarized results of an output task.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

class gobbli.io.EmbedPooling[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enum describing all the different pooling methods that can be used when generating embeddings.


Take the mean across all tokens as the embedding for the document.


Return the token-wise embeddings for each document.

MEAN = 'mean'
NONE = 'none'
class gobbli.io.PredictInput(X, labels, multilabel=False, predict_batch_size=32, checkpoint=None)[source]

Bases: gobbli.io.TaskIO

Input for generating predictions using a model. See gobbli.model.mixin.PredictMixin.predict().

  • X (List[str]) – Documents to have labels predicted for.

  • labels (List[str]) – See TrainOutput.params.labels.

  • multilabel (bool) – True if the model was trained in a multilabel context, otherwise False (indicating a multiclass context).

  • predict_batch_size (int) – Number of documents to predict in each batch.

  • checkpoint (Optional[Path]) – Checkpoint containing trained weights for the model. See TrainOutput.params.checkpoint.

checkpoint = None

Returns: The task information that constitutes its metadata – generally parameters of an input task and/or summarized results of an output task.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

multilabel = False
predict_batch_size = 32
class gobbli.io.PredictOutput(y_pred_proba, _console_output='')[source]

Bases: gobbli.io.TaskIO

Output from generating predictions using a model. See gobbli.model.mixin.PredictMixin.predict().

  • y_pred_proba (DataFrame) – A dataframe containing the predicted probablity for each class. There is a row for each observation and a column for each class.

  • _console_output (str) – Raw console output from the container used to generate predictions.


Returns: The task information that constitutes its metadata – generally parameters of an input task and/or summarized results of an output task.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

property y_pred
Return type



The most likely predicted label for each observation.

Return type



Indicator matrix representing the predicted labels for each observation using the given (optional) threshold.

gobbli.io.T = ~T
class gobbli.io.TaskIO[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for classes used for task input/output.

abstract metadata()[source]
Return type

Dict[str, Any]


The task information that constitutes its metadata – generally parameters of an input task and/or summarized results of an output task.

class gobbli.io.TrainInput(X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid, train_batch_size=32, valid_batch_size=8, num_train_epochs=3, checkpoint=None)[source]

Bases: gobbli.io.TaskIO

Input for training a model. See gobbli.model.mixin.TrainMixin.train().

For usage specific to a multiclass or multilabel paradigm, consider using the more specifically checked and typed properties: y_{train,valid}_{multiclass,multilabel} as opposed to the more generically typed y_{train,valid} attributes.

  • X_train (List[str]) – Documents used for training.

  • y_train (Union[List[str], List[List[str]]]) – Labels for training documents.

  • X_valid (List[str]) – Documents used for validation.

  • y_valid (Union[List[str], List[List[str]]]) – Labels for validation documents.

  • train_batch_size (int) – Number of observations per batch on the training dataset.

  • valid_batch_size (int) – Number of observations per batch on the validation dataset.

  • num_train_epochs (int) – Number of epochs to use for training.

  • checkpoint (Optional[Path]) – Checkpoint containing trained weights for the model. If passed, training will continue from the checkpoint instead of starting from scratch. See TrainOutput.params.checkpoint.

checkpoint = None
Return type



The set of unique labels in the data. Sort and return a list for consistent ordering, in case that matters.


Returns: The task information that constitutes its metadata – generally parameters of an input task and/or summarized results of an output task.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

num_train_epochs = 3
train_batch_size = 32
valid_batch_size = 8
property y_train_multiclass
Return type


property y_train_multilabel
Return type


property y_valid_multiclass
Return type


property y_valid_multilabel
Return type


class gobbli.io.TrainOutput(valid_loss, valid_accuracy, train_loss, labels, multilabel, checkpoint=None, _console_output='')[source]

Bases: gobbli.io.TaskIO

Output from model training. See gobbli.model.mixin.TrainMixin.train().

  • valid_loss (float) – Loss on the validation dataset.

  • valid_accuracy (float) – Accuracy on the validation dataset.

  • train_loss (float) – Loss on the training dataset.

  • labels (List[str]) – List of labels present in the training data. Used to initialize the model for prediction.

  • multilabel (bool) – True if the model was trained in a multilabel context, otherwise False (indicating a multiclass context).

  • checkpoint (Optional[Path]) – Path to the best checkpoint from training. This may not be a literal filepath in the case of ex. TensorFlow, but it should give the user everything they need to run prediction using the results of training.

  • _console_output (str) – Raw console output from the container used to train the model.

checkpoint = None

Returns: The task information that constitutes its metadata – generally parameters of an input task and/or summarized results of an output task.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

class gobbli.io.WindowPooling[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enum describing all the different pooling methods that can be used when pooling model output from windowed documents.


Take the mean across all dimensions/classes as the output for the document.


Take the max across all dimensions/classes as the output for the document.


Take the min across all dimensions/classes as the output for the document.

MAX = 'max'
MEAN = 'mean'
MIN = 'min'
gobbli.io.make_document_windows(X, window_len, y=None, tokenize_method=<TokenizeMethod.SPLIT: 'split'>, model_path=None, vocab_size=None)[source]

This is a helper for when you have a dataset with long documents which is going to be passed through a model with a fixed max sequence length. If you don’t have enough memory to raise the max sequence length, but you don’t want to miss out on the information in longer documents, you can use this helper to generate a dataset that splits each document into windows roughly the size of your max_seq_len. The resulting dataset can then be used to train your model. You should then use pool_document_windows() to pool the results from downstream tasks (ex. predictions, embeddings).

Note there may still be some mismatch between the window size and the size as tokenized by your model, since some models use custom tokenization methods.

  • X (List[str]) – List of texts to make windows out of.

  • window_len (int) – The maximum length of each window. This should roughly correspond to the max_seq_len of your model.

  • y (Optional[List[~T]]) – Optional list of classes (or list of list of labels). If passed, a corresponding list of targets for each window (the target(s) associated with the window’s document) will be returned.

  • tokenize_method (TokenizeMethod) – gobbli.util.TokenizeMethod corresponding to the tokenization method to use for determining windows.

  • model_path (Optional[Path]) – This argument is used if the tokenization method requires training a model; otherwise, it’s ignored. Path for a tokenization model. If it doesn’t exist, a new tokenization model will be trained and saved at the given path. If it does exist, the existing model will be used. If no path is given, a temporary directory will be created/used and discarded

  • vocab_size (Optional[int]) – Number of terms in the vocabulary for tokenization. May be ignored depending on the tokenization method and whether a model is already trained.

Return type

Tuple[List[str], List[int], Optional[List[~T]]]


A 3-tuple containing a new list of texts split into windows, a corresponding list containing the index of each original document for each window, and (optionally) a list containing a target per window. The index should be used to pool the output from the windowed text (see pool_document_windows()).

gobbli.io.pool_document_windows(unpooled_output, window_indices, pooling=<WindowPooling.MEAN: 'mean'>)[source]

This helper pools output from a model whose input was document windows generated by make_document_windows(). The output can be pooled in multiple ways. See WindowPooling for more info.

This function mutates the passed output object to preserve other information in the output object.

  • unpooled_output (Union[PredictOutput, EmbedOutput]) – The output from the model to be pooled.

  • window_indices (List[int]) – A list (size = number of rows in unpooled_output) of integers corresponding to the index of the original document for each window. These are used to group the window output appropriately.

  • pooling (WindowPooling) – The method to use for pooling.


Confirm a given array matches the expected type for input.


X (List[str]) – Something that should be valid model input.

gobbli.io.validate_X_y(X, y)[source]

Assuming X is valid input and y is valid output, ensure they match sizes.

  • X (List[str]) – Something that should be valid model input.

  • y (List[Any]) – Something that should be valid model output.

gobbli.io.validate_multilabel_y(y, multilabel)[source]

Confirm an array is typed appropriately for the value of multilabel.

  • y (Union[List[str], List[List[str]]]) – Something that should be valid multiclass or multilabel output.

  • multilabel (bool) – True if y should be formatted for a multilabel problem and False otherwise (for a multiclass problem).