Source code for gobbli.model.mtdnn.model

import json
import shutil
import tempfile
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import pandas as pd

from gobbli.docker import maybe_mount, run_container
from gobbli.model.base import BaseModel
from gobbli.model.context import ContainerTaskContext
from gobbli.model.mixin import PredictMixin, TrainMixin
from gobbli.util import (

    "mt-dnn-base": "",
    "mt-dnn-large": "",
A mapping from model names to weight files.
"mt-dnn-base" is a safe default for most situations.
Larger models require more time and GPU memory to run.

def _preprocess_text(text_series: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    Preprocess a Series of text for the MT-DNN uncased model.
    return text_series.str.lower().str.replace(r"\s", " ", regex=True)

def _df_to_tsv(df: pd.DataFrame, output_file: Path):
    Write a dataframe with "X" and "y" (optional) columns to the given
    output file in the format expected by MT-DNN for a TSV file.
    df.loc[:, "X"] = _preprocess_text(df["X"])
    df.to_csv(output_file, index=False, header=True)

def _write_labels(labels: List[Any], output_file: Path):
    Write the given set of labels to the given file.

[docs]class MTDNN(BaseModel, TrainMixin, PredictMixin): """ Classifier wrapper for Microsoft's MT-DNN: """ _BUILD_PATH = Path(__file__).parent _TRAIN_INPUT_FILE = "train.csv" _VALID_INPUT_FILE = "valid.csv" _TEST_INPUT_FILE = "test.csv" _LABELS_INPUT_FILE = "labels.csv" _PREDICT_OUTPUT_FILE = "predict.csv" _LOG_FILE = "log.log" _WEIGHTS_FILE_NAME = ""
[docs] def init(self, params: Dict[str, Any]): """ See :meth:`gobbli.model.base.BaseModel.init`. MT-DNN parameters: - ``max_seq_length`` (:obj:`int`): The maximum total input sequence length after WordPiece tokenization. Sequences longer than this will be truncated, and sequences shorter than this will be padded. Default: 128 - ``mtdnn_model`` (:obj:`str`): Name of a pretrained MT-DNN model to use. See :obj:`MTDNN_MODEL_FILES` for a listing of available MT-DNN models. """ self.max_seq_length = 128 self.mtdnn_model = "mt-dnn-base" for name, value in params.items(): if name == "max_seq_length": assert_type(name, value, int) self.max_seq_length = value elif name == "mtdnn_model": assert_in(name, value, set(MTDNN_MODEL_FILES.keys())) self.mtdnn_model = value else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown param '{name}'")
@property def weights_dir(self) -> Path: """ Returns: The directory containing pretrained weights for this instance. """ return self.class_weights_dir / self.mtdnn_model @property def image_tag(self) -> str: """ Returns: The Docker image tag to be used for the MT-DNN container. """ return "gobbli-mt-dnn-classifier" def _build(self): # Download data if we don't already have it if not self.weights_dir.exists(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tmp_weights_dir = Path(tmpdir) / tmp_weights_dir.mkdir()"Downloading pre-trained weights.") downloaded_file = download_file(MTDNN_MODEL_FILES[self.mtdnn_model]) copy_file(downloaded_file, tmp_weights_dir / MTDNN._WEIGHTS_FILE_NAME) shutil.move(tmp_weights_dir, self.weights_dir)"Weights downloaded.") # Build the docker image path=str(MTDNN._BUILD_PATH), tag=self.image_tag, **self._base_docker_build_kwargs, ) @staticmethod def _get_checkpoint( user_checkpoint: Optional[Path], context: ContainerTaskContext ) -> Tuple[Optional[Path], Path]: """ Determines the host checkpoint file and container checkpoint file using the user-requested checkpoint (if any) and the container context. Args: user_checkpoint: An optional checkpoint passed in by the user. If the user doesn't pass one, use the default pretrained checkpoint. context: The container context to create the checkpoint in. Returns: A 2-tuple: the host checkpoint file (if any) and the container checkpoint file """ if user_checkpoint is None: # Default weights host_checkpoint_file = None container_checkpoint_file = ( BaseModel._CONTAINER_WEIGHTS_PATH / MTDNN._WEIGHTS_FILE_NAME ) else: # Trained weights, which will be mounted in the container host_checkpoint_file = user_checkpoint container_checkpoint_file = context.container_root_dir / "" return host_checkpoint_file, container_checkpoint_file def _write_input(self, X: List[str], y: Optional[List[str]], input_file: Path): """ Write the given gobbli input into the format expected by MT-DNN. Make sure the given directory exists first. """ df_data = {"X": X} if y is not None: df_data["y"] = y df = pd.DataFrame(df_data) _df_to_tsv(df, input_file) def _train( self, train_input:, context: ContainerTaskContext ) -> if train_input.multilabel: raise ValueError( "gobbli MT-DNN model doesn't support multilabel classification." ) self._write_input( train_input.X_train, train_input.y_train_multiclass, context.host_input_dir / MTDNN._TRAIN_INPUT_FILE, ) self._write_input( train_input.X_valid, train_input.y_valid_multiclass, context.host_input_dir / MTDNN._VALID_INPUT_FILE, ) labels = train_input.labels() labels_path = context.host_input_dir / MTDNN._LABELS_INPUT_FILE _write_labels(labels, labels_path) if train_input.valid_batch_size != train_input.train_batch_size: warnings.warn( "MT-DNN model does not support separate validation batch size; " f"using train batch size '{train_input.train_batch_size}' for both " "training and validation." ) # Determine checkpoint to use host_checkpoint_file, container_checkpoint_file = self._get_checkpoint( train_input.checkpoint, context ) cmd = ( "python" " --data_dir=data/mt_dnn" f" --init_checkpoint={container_checkpoint_file}" f" --batch_size={train_input.train_batch_size}" f" --output_dir={context.container_output_dir}" f" --log_file={context.container_output_dir / MTDNN._LOG_FILE}" " --optimizer=adamax" " --grad_clipping=0" " --global_grad_clipping=1" " --lr=2e-5" f" --train_file={context.container_input_dir / MTDNN._TRAIN_INPUT_FILE}" f" --valid_file={context.container_input_dir / MTDNN._VALID_INPUT_FILE}" f" --label_file={context.container_input_dir / MTDNN._LABELS_INPUT_FILE}" f" --epochs={train_input.num_train_epochs}" f" --max_seq_len={self.max_seq_length}" ) run_kwargs = self._base_docker_run_kwargs(context) # Mount the checkpoint in the container if needed maybe_mount( run_kwargs["volumes"], host_checkpoint_file, container_checkpoint_file ) container_logs = run_container( self.docker_client, self.image_tag, cmd, self.logger, **run_kwargs ) # MT-DNN counts epochs starting from 0 final_epoch = train_input.num_train_epochs - 1 # Parse the generated evaluation results files eval_results = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] for name in ("train", "valid"): results_file = context.host_output_dir / f"{name}_scores_{final_epoch}.json" with open(results_file, "r") as f: results = json.load(f) eval_results.update( {f"{name}_{key}": val for key, val in results.items()} ) return valid_loss=eval_results["valid_metrics"]["loss"], valid_accuracy=eval_results["valid_metrics"]["accuracy"] / 100, train_loss=eval_results["train_metrics"]["loss"], labels=labels, multilabel=False, checkpoint=context.host_output_dir / f"model_{final_epoch}.pt", _console_output=container_logs, ) def _predict( self, predict_input:, context: ContainerTaskContext ) -> self._write_input( predict_input.X, None, context.host_input_dir / MTDNN._TEST_INPUT_FILE ) labels_path = context.host_input_dir / MTDNN._LABELS_INPUT_FILE _write_labels(predict_input.labels, labels_path) # Determine checkpoint to use host_checkpoint_file, container_checkpoint_file = self._get_checkpoint( predict_input.checkpoint, context ) cmd = ( "python" " --data_dir=data/mt_dnn" f" --init_checkpoint={container_checkpoint_file}" f" --batch_size={predict_input.predict_batch_size}" f" --output_dir={context.container_output_dir}" f" --log_file={context.container_output_dir / MTDNN._LOG_FILE}" " --optimizer=adamax" " --grad_clipping=0" " --global_grad_clipping=1" " --lr=2e-5" f" --test_file={context.container_input_dir / MTDNN._TEST_INPUT_FILE}" f" --label_file={context.container_input_dir / MTDNN._LABELS_INPUT_FILE}" f" --max_seq_len={self.max_seq_length}" ) run_kwargs = self._base_docker_run_kwargs(context) # Mount the checkpoint in the container if needed maybe_mount( run_kwargs["volumes"], host_checkpoint_file, container_checkpoint_file ) container_logs = run_container( self.docker_client, self.image_tag, cmd, self.logger, **run_kwargs ) # Retrieve the generated predictions return y_pred_proba=pd.read_csv( context.host_output_dir / MTDNN._PREDICT_OUTPUT_FILE ), _console_output=container_logs, )