Prerequisites ============= gobbli requires Python 3.7+. First, ensure `Docker `__ is installed and your user has permissions to run docker commands. Next, install the ``gobbli`` package and dependencies into your environment: .. code-block:: bash pip install gobbli Some of the :ref:`data-augmentation` methods require extra packages. You can install them all using the following steps: .. code-block:: bash pip install gobbli[augment] python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm Additionally, :ref:`document-windowing` with the `SentencePiece `__ tokenizer requires extra packages. Install them like so: .. code-block:: bash pip install gobbli[tokenize] .. _interactive-app-prereqs: The `Streamlit `__-based :ref:`interactive-apps` require their own set of dependencies: .. code-block:: bash pip install gobbli[interactive] If you want to train models using a GPU, you will additionally need an NVIDIA graphics card and `nvidia-docker `__.