Source code for gobbli.test.test_util

import gzip
import io
import tarfile
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import pytest

from gobbli.util import (

[docs]def make_zip(tmpdir: Path, relative_paths: List[Path]) -> Path: """ Make a zip archive from a list of relative paths. Create empty files at each path and add them to the archive. """ zip_path = tmpdir / "" with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "w") as z: for relative_path in relative_paths: full_path = tmpdir / relative_path full_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) full_path.touch() z.write(full_path, arcname=relative_path) return zip_path
[docs]def make_tar_gz(tmpdir: Path, relative_paths: List[Path]) -> Path: """ Make a .tar.gz archive from a list of relative paths. Create empty files at each path and add them to the archive. """ tar_path = tmpdir / "test.tar.gz" with, "w:gz") as z: for relative_path in relative_paths: full_path = tmpdir / relative_path full_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) full_path.touch() z.add(str(full_path), arcname=str(relative_path), recursive=False) return tar_path
[docs]def make_gz(tmpdir: Path, name: str) -> Path: """ Create a gzip-compressed file with the given name under the given temp directory. Return the path to the compressed file. """ gzip_path = tmpdir / f"{name}.gz" with, "wb") as z: z.write(b"Test") return gzip_path
TEST_ARCHIVE_DATA = ["./a", "./b/c"]
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "archive_func,junk,expected_paths", [ (make_zip, False, [Path("a"), Path("b") / "c"]), (make_zip, True, [Path("a"), Path("c")]), (make_tar_gz, False, [Path("a"), Path("b") / "c"]), (make_tar_gz, True, [Path("a"), Path("c")]), ], ) def test_extract_archive(tmpdir, archive_func, junk, expected_paths): tmpdir_path = Path(tmpdir) archive_path = archive_func(tmpdir_path, TEST_ARCHIVE_DATA) archive_extract_dir = tmpdir_path / "extract" extract_archive(archive_path, archive_extract_dir, junk_paths=junk) for relative_path in expected_paths: assert (archive_extract_dir / relative_path).exists()
[docs]def test_extract_gz(tmpdir): tmpdir_path = Path(tmpdir) filename = "test.txt" archive_path = make_gz(tmpdir_path, "test.txt") archive_extract_dir = tmpdir_path / "extract" extract_archive(archive_path, archive_extract_dir) assert (archive_extract_dir / filename).exists()
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "name,expected_is_archive", [ ("test.tar.gz", True), ("test.gz", True), ("test.txt.gz", True), ("", True), ("test.xz", False), ("test.txt", False), ("test.vec", False), ("test.bin", False), ], ) def test_is_archive(name, expected_is_archive): assert is_archive(Path(name)) == expected_is_archive
[docs]def test_dir_to_blob(tmpdir): test_dir = Path(tmpdir) / "test" test_dir.mkdir() test_file_name = "test.txt" test_file = test_dir / test_file_name file_contents = "test" test_file.write_text(file_contents) blob = dir_to_blob(test_dir) fileobj = io.BytesIO(blob) extract_path = test_dir / "test2" with, mode="r:gz") as archive: archive.extractall(extract_path) extracted_file = extract_path / test_file_name assert extracted_file.exists() assert extracted_file.read_text() == file_contents
[docs]def test_blob_to_dir(tmpdir): test_dir = Path(tmpdir) / "test" test_dir.mkdir() test_file_name = "test.txt" test_file = test_dir / test_file_name file_contents = "test" test_file.write_text(file_contents) blob = dir_to_blob(test_dir) extract_path = test_dir / "test2" blob_to_dir(blob, extract_path) extracted_file = extract_path / test_file_name assert extracted_file.exists() assert extracted_file.read_text() == file_contents
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "l1,l2,err", [ ([], [], None), (["a"], [1], None), (["a", "b"], [1], ValueError), (["a", "b"], [1, 2], None), (["a", "b", "c"], [1, 2, 3], None), (["a", "b", "c", "d"], [1, 2, 3, 4], None), ], ) def test_shuffle_together(l1, l2, err): seed = 1 if err is not None: with pytest.raises(err): shuffle_together(l1, l2, seed=seed) else: original_rows = set(zip(l1, l2)) shuffle_together(l1, l2, seed=seed) for row in zip(l1, l2): assert tuple(row) in original_rows
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "text,tokens", [ ("This is a test.", ["this", "is", "a", "test."]), ("Two spaces", ["two", "spaces"]), ("Hyphenated-word", ["hyphenated-word"]), ("Numbers 1 and 2", ["numbers", "1", "and", "2"]), ], ) def test_tokenize_split(text, tokens): # Whitespace tokenization just splits on whitespace assert tokenize(TokenizeMethod.SPLIT, [text]) == [tokens]
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "text,tokens", [ ("This is a test.", ["this", "is", "a", "test"]), ("Two spaces", ["two", "spaces"]), ("Hyphenated-word", ["hyphenated", "word"]), ("Numbers 1 and 2", ["numbers", "and"]), ], ) def test_tokenize_spacy(text, tokens): # Spacy tokenization lowercases and removes non-alphabetic tokens assert tokenize(TokenizeMethod.SPACY, [text]) == [tokens]
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "tokenize_method", [TokenizeMethod.SPLIT, TokenizeMethod.SPACY] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "tokens,text", [ (["this", "is", "a", "test"], "this is a test"), (["hyphenated-word"], "hyphenated-word"), (["try", ",", "punctuation", "."], "try , punctuation ."), ], ) def test_detokenize_split_spacy(text, tokens, tokenize_method): assert detokenize(tokenize_method, [tokens]) == [text]
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_path", [Path("spm"), None]) def test_tokenize_detokenize_sentencepiece(tmpdir, model_path): texts = ["a b c", "a ab c", "a b ac"] # Model should be trained if model_path is not None: model_path = Path(tmpdir) / model_path tokens = tokenize( TokenizeMethod.SENTENCEPIECE, texts, model_path=model_path, vocab_size=7 ) # Control sequence indicating whitespace _ = "▁" expected_tokens = [ [_, "a", _, "b", _, "c"], [_, "a", _, "a", "b", _, "c"], [_, "a", _, "b", _, "a", "c"], ] assert tokens == expected_tokens # Can't detokenize if we didn't give a persistent model path to the tokenize # function if model_path is not None: assert detokenize(TokenizeMethod.SENTENCEPIECE, tokens, model_path) == texts # Previously should be reused with the old vocab size, and a new model # shouldn't be trained tokens = tokenize(TokenizeMethod.SENTENCEPIECE, texts, model_path=model_path) assert tokens == expected_tokens