Source code for gobbli.test.test_io

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytest

from import (

[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj,err_class", [ # Wrong collection type (series) (pd.Series("a"), TypeError), # Wrong collection type (numpy array) (np.array(["a"]), TypeError), # Wrong type (float) ([1.0], TypeError), # Wrong type (int) ([1], TypeError), # Correct type (["a"], None), # Empty ([], None), ], ) def test_validate_X(obj, err_class): if err_class is None: validate_X(obj) else: with pytest.raises(err_class): validate_X(obj)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "multilabel,obj,err_class", [ # Wrong collection type (series) (False, pd.Series(["a"]), TypeError), # Wrong collection type (numpy array) (False, np.array([["a"]]), TypeError), # Wrong type (list of str) (False, [["a"]], TypeError), # Wrong type (float) (False, [1.0], TypeError), # Wrong type (list of float) (False, [[1.0]], TypeError), # Wrong type (empty list) (False, [[]], TypeError), # Correct type (str) (False, ["1"], None), # Empty (False, [], None), # Wrong collection type (series) (True, pd.Series(["a"]), TypeError), # Wrong collection type (numpy array) (True, np.array([["a"]]), TypeError), # Wrong type (float) (True, [1.0], TypeError), # Wrong type (str) (True, ["1"], TypeError), # Wrong type (list of float) (True, [[1.0]], TypeError), # Correct type (list of str) (True, [["a"]], None), # Empty label (True, [[]], None), # Empty (True, [], None), ], ) def test_validate_multilabel_y(multilabel, obj, err_class): if err_class is None: validate_multilabel_y(obj, multilabel) else: with pytest.raises(err_class): validate_multilabel_y(obj, multilabel)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "X,y,err_class", [ # Same size, empty ([], [], None), # X is empty (["a"], [], ValueError), # y is empty ([], [1], ValueError), # X is longer (["a", "b"], [1], ValueError), # y is longer (["a"], [1, 2], ValueError), # Same size, non-empty (["a"], [1], None), ], ) def test_validate_X_y(X, y, err_class): if err_class is None: validate_X_y(X, y) else: with pytest.raises(err_class): validate_X_y(X, y)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "df,y_pred", [ (pd.DataFrame({"a": [], "b": []}, dtype="float"), []), (pd.DataFrame({"a": [1], "b": [0]}), ["a"]), (pd.DataFrame({"a": [0.7, 0.3], "b": [0.3, 0.7]}), ["a", "b"]), ], ) def test_predict_output(df, y_pred): predict_output = PredictOutput(y_pred_proba=df) assert y_pred == predict_output.y_pred
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_y", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "docs,window_len,expected_windowed", [ # One doc, one window (["a"], 1, (["a"], [0])), # One doc, two windows (["a b"], 1, (["a", "b"], [0, 0])), # One doc, partial window (["a b c"], 2, (["a b", "c"], [0, 0])), # Two docs, one window (["a", "b"], 1, (["a", "b"], [0, 1])), # Two docs, two windows (["a b", "c d"], 1, (["a", "b", "c", "d"], [0, 0, 1, 1])), # Two docs, partial windows (["a b c", "d e f"], 2, (["a b", "c", "d e", "f"], [0, 0, 1, 1])), ], ) def test_make_document_windows(docs, window_len, expected_windowed, has_y): kwargs = {} if has_y: y = [str(i) for i in range(len(docs))] kwargs = {"y": y} windowed, indices, windowed_y = make_document_windows(docs, window_len, **kwargs) assert (windowed, indices) == expected_windowed if has_y: assert [str(i) for i in indices] == windowed_y else: assert windowed_y is None
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("output_cls", [PredictOutput, EmbedOutput]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "unpooled_data,indices,pooling,pooled_data", [ # One window, mean ([[0, 1]], [0], WindowPooling.MEAN, [[0, 1]]), # One window, max ([[0, 1]], [0], WindowPooling.MAX, [[0, 1]]), # One window, min ([[0, 1]], [0], WindowPooling.MIN, [[0, 1]]), # Two windows, same doc, mean ([[0, 1], [1, 0]], [0, 0], WindowPooling.MEAN, [[0.5, 0.5]]), # Two windows, same doc, max ([[0, 1], [1, 0]], [0, 0], WindowPooling.MAX, [[1, 1]]), # Two windows, same doc, min ([[0, 1], [1, 0]], [0, 0], WindowPooling.MIN, [[0, 0]]), # Two windows, different docs, mean ([[0, 1], [1, 0]], [0, 1], WindowPooling.MEAN, [[0, 1], [1, 0]]), # Two windows, different docs, max ([[0, 1], [1, 0]], [0, 1], WindowPooling.MAX, [[0, 1], [1, 0]]), # Two windows, different docs, min ([[0, 1], [1, 0]], [0, 1], WindowPooling.MIN, [[0, 1], [1, 0]]), ], ) def test_pool_document_windows( output_cls, unpooled_data, indices, pooling, pooled_data ): unpooled_df = pd.DataFrame(unpooled_data).rename(str, axis=1) pooled_df = pd.DataFrame(pooled_data).rename(str, axis=1) if output_cls == PredictOutput: actual_output = PredictOutput(y_pred_proba=unpooled_df) elif output_cls == EmbedOutput: actual_output = EmbedOutput(X_embedded=unpooled_df) else: raise TypeError( f"Unknown class for document window pooling: '{output_cls.__name__}'" ) pool_document_windows(actual_output, indices, pooling=pooling) if output_cls == PredictOutput: pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(actual_output.y_pred_proba, pooled_df) elif output_cls == EmbedOutput: for expected, actual in zip(np.array(pooled_data), actual_output.X_embedded): np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
[docs]def test_pool_document_windows_validation(): # Embedding output without pooling should throw an error embed_output = EmbedOutput( X_embedded=[np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])], embed_tokens=[["a", "b"]] ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): pool_document_windows(embed_output, []) # Train output is unsupported train_output = TrainOutput( valid_loss=0.0, valid_accuracy=0.0, train_loss=0.0, labels=[], multilabel=False ) with pytest.raises(TypeError): pool_document_windows(train_output, []) # Output and indices length must match embed_output = EmbedOutput(X_embedded=[np.array([0, 1]), np.array([1, 0])]) for bad_indices_len in (0, 1, 3): with pytest.raises(ValueError): pool_document_windows(embed_output, list(range(bad_indices_len))) # Pooling value must be valid with pytest.raises(ValueError): pool_document_windows(embed_output, [0, 1], pooling="bad")