Source code for gobbli.test.model.test_sklearn

from pathlib import Path

import joblib
import pytest
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC

from gobbli.model.sklearn import (
from gobbli.model.sklearn.model import _AT_LEAST_TWO_CLASSES_ERR_MSG, _SafeEstimator

def _make_test_estimator():
    # Don't use anything complicated, like a Pipeline or GridSearchCV,
    # since those may have estimator params which don't compare cleanly
    return LogisticRegression()

def _assert_estimators_equal(clf1, clf2):
    assert type(clf1) is type(clf2)
    assert clf1.get_params() == clf2.get_params()

[docs]def test_dump_estimator(tmpdir): tempdir_path = Path(tmpdir) clf = _make_test_estimator() dump_path = tempdir_path / "test.joblib" SKLearnClassifier._dump_estimator(clf, dump_path) loaded_clf = joblib.load(dump_path) _assert_estimators_equal(clf, loaded_clf)
[docs]def test_load_estimator(tmpdir): tempdir_path = Path(tmpdir) clf = _make_test_estimator() dump_path = tempdir_path / "test.joblib" joblib.dump(clf, dump_path) loaded_clf = SKLearnClassifier._load_estimator(dump_path) _assert_estimators_equal(clf, loaded_clf)
[docs]def test_persist_estimator(tmp_gobbli_dir): clf = _make_test_estimator() clf_path = persist_estimator(clf) assert tmp_gobbli_dir in clf_path.parents loaded_clf = SKLearnClassifier._load_estimator(clf_path) _assert_estimators_equal(clf, loaded_clf)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "clf,err", [ # Not an estimator (None, ValueError), # Also not an estimator (1, ValueError), # Estimator but not a classifier (LinearRegression(), ValueError), # Estimator with no predict_proba (LinearSVC(), ValueError), # Valid estimator (LogisticRegression(), None), # Invalid pipeline (not a classifier) (Pipeline([("linreg", LinearRegression())]), ValueError), # Invalid pipeline (no predict_proba) (Pipeline([("svc", LinearSVC())]), ValueError), # Valid pipeline (Pipeline([("logreg", LogisticRegression())]), None), # Invalid grid search (not a classifier) (GridSearchCV(LinearRegression(), {}), ValueError), # Invalid grid search (no predict_proba) (GridSearchCV(LinearSVC(), {}), ValueError), # Valid grid search (GridSearchCV(LogisticRegression(), {}), None), # Our helpers should both be valid (make_cv_tfidf_logistic_regression(), None), (make_default_tfidf_logistic_regression(), None), ], ) def test_validate_estimator(clf, err): if err is not None: with pytest.raises(err): SKLearnClassifier._validate_estimator(clf) else: SKLearnClassifier._validate_estimator(clf)
[docs]def test_safe_estimator(): clf = make_default_tfidf_logistic_regression() X_train = ["test", "test2"] y_train = ["a", "a"] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:, y_train) assert _AT_LEAST_TWO_CLASSES_ERR_MSG in str(e.value) safe_clf = _SafeEstimator(clf), y_train) assert safe_clf.classes_.tolist() == ["a"] y_pred = safe_clf.predict(X_train) assert y_pred.tolist() == ["a", "a"] y_pred_proba = safe_clf.predict_proba(X_train) assert y_pred_proba.tolist() == [[1], [1]]
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "params,exception", [ # Unknown param ({"unknown": None}, ValueError), # Bad type (estimator_path) ({"estimator_path": 1}, TypeError), # init loads the model path, and there isn't a good way to # reference a temp path from this param list, so we'll assume # other tests will catch a failure to initialize from a good # estimator path ], ) def test_init(params, exception): with pytest.raises(exception): SKLearnClassifier(**params)