Source code for gobbli.test.model.test_base_model

from pathlib import Path

import pytest

from gobbli.test.util import MockModel
from gobbli.util import gobbli_version, read_metadata, write_metadata

[docs]def test_base_model_init(tmpdir): tmpdir_path = Path(tmpdir) MODEL_PARAMS = {"param": "a"} # Create model m = MockModel(data_dir=tmpdir_path, **MODEL_PARAMS) # Metadata path for the model should now exist assert m.metadata_path.exists() # So should the info path assert m.info_path.exists() # Info should be populated appropriately info = read_metadata(m.info_path) assert info["class"] == m.__class__.__name__ assert info["gobbli_version"] == gobbli_version() # We shouldn't be able to create a new model in the same directory # with load_existing=False with pytest.raises(ValueError): MockModel(data_dir=tmpdir_path, load_existing=False, **MODEL_PARAMS) # We should be able to load the existing model, and it should # have the same param values without being passed explicitly m2 = MockModel(data_dir=tmpdir_path, load_existing=True) assert m2.params == MODEL_PARAMS
[docs]def test_base_model_init_warnings_errors(tmpdir): tmpdir_path = Path(tmpdir) # Create model to bootstrap the metadata/info files m = MockModel(data_dir=tmpdir_path, param="a") # Make sure we get a warning if user passes params that are ignored with pytest.warns(UserWarning): MockModel(data_dir=tmpdir_path, load_existing=True, param="b") # Make sure we get a warning if the gobbli version in the info file changes info = read_metadata(m.info_path) bad_version_info = info.copy() bad_version_info["gobbli_version"] = "not a real version" write_metadata(bad_version_info, m.info_path) with pytest.warns(UserWarning): MockModel(data_dir=tmpdir_path, load_existing=True) # Make sure we get an error if the class in the info file changes bad_class_info = info.copy() bad_class_info["class"] = "not a real model" write_metadata(bad_class_info, m.info_path) with pytest.raises(ValueError): MockModel(data_dir=tmpdir_path, load_existing=True)