Source code for gobbli.model.spacy.model

import json
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from gobbli.docker import maybe_mount, run_container
from gobbli.model.base import BaseModel
from gobbli.model.context import ContainerTaskContext
from gobbli.model.mixin import EmbedMixin, PredictMixin, TrainMixin
from gobbli.util import assert_type, escape_line_delimited_texts

[docs]class SpaCyModel(BaseModel, TrainMixin, PredictMixin, EmbedMixin): """ gobbli interface for spaCy language models which allows for training and prediction via the `TextCategorizer pipeline component <>`__ and static embeddings via `Vectors <>`__. """ _BUILD_PATH = Path(__file__).parent _TRAIN_INPUT_FILE = "train.tsv" _VALID_INPUT_FILE = "dev.tsv" _TEST_INPUT_FILE = "test.tsv" _LABELS_INPUT_FILE = "labels.tsv" _TRAIN_OUTPUT_CHECKPOINT = "checkpoint" _VALID_OUTPUT_FILE = "valid_results.json" _TEST_OUTPUT_FILE = "test_results.tsv" _EMBEDDING_INPUT_FILE = "input.tsv" _EMBEDDING_OUTPUT_FILE = "embeddings.jsonl" _CONTAINER_CACHE_DIR = Path("/cache")
[docs] def init(self, params: Dict[str, Any]): """ See :meth:`gobbli.model.base.BaseModel.init`. spaCy parameters: - ``model`` (:obj:`str`): Name of a spaCy model to use. Available values are in `the spaCy model docs <>`__ and `the spacy-transformers docs <>`__. - ``architecture`` (:obj:`str`): Model architecture to use. Available values are in `the spaCy API docs <>`__. This is ignored if using a spacy-transformers model. - ``dropout`` (:obj:`float`): Dropout proportion for training. - ``full_pipeline`` (:obj:`bool`): If True, enable the full spaCy language pipeline (including tagging, parsing, and named entity recognition) for the TextCategorizer model used in training and prediction. This makes training/prediction much slower but theoretically provides more information to the model. This is ignored if using a spacy-transformers model. Note that gobbli relies on spaCy to perform validation on these parameters, so initialization errors may not be caught until model runtime. """ self.model = "en_core_web_lg" self.architecture = "ensemble" self.dropout = 0.2 self.full_pipeline = False for name, value in params.items(): if name == "model": self.model = value elif name == "architecture": self.architecture = value elif name == "dropout": assert_type(name, value, float) self.dropout = value elif name == "full_pipeline": assert_type(name, value, bool) self.full_pipeline = value else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown param '{name}'")
@property def image_tag(self) -> str: """ Returns: The Docker image tag to be used for the spaCy container. """ return "gobbli-spacy" def _build(self): # Add the spaCy model to the image build so it's properly installed base_build_kwargs = deepcopy(self._base_docker_build_kwargs) if "buildargs" not in base_build_kwargs: base_build_kwargs["buildargs"] = {} base_build_kwargs["buildargs"]["model"] = self.model path=str(SpaCyModel._BUILD_PATH), tag=self.image_tag, **base_build_kwargs ) @staticmethod def _get_checkpoint( user_checkpoint: Optional[Path], context: ContainerTaskContext ) -> Tuple[Optional[Path], Optional[Path]]: """ Determines the host checkpoint directory and container checkpoint directory using the user-requested checkpoint (if any) and the container context. Args: user_checkpoint: An optional checkpoint passed in by the user. If the user doesn't pass one, use the default pretrained checkpoint. context: The container context to create the checkpoint in. Returns: A 2-tuple: the host checkpoint directory (if any) and the container checkpoint directory (if any) """ if user_checkpoint is None: host_checkpoint_dir = None container_checkpoint_dir = None else: host_checkpoint_dir = user_checkpoint container_checkpoint_dir = context.container_root_dir / "checkpoint" return host_checkpoint_dir, container_checkpoint_dir def _get_model(self, container_checkpoint_dir: Optional[Path]) -> Union[str, Path]: """ Determine the model to pass to the run_spacy script. If we don't have a checkpoint, we'll use our stock model. Otherwise, we should use the checkpoint. """ if container_checkpoint_dir is None: return self.model else: return container_checkpoint_dir @property def host_cache_dir(self): """ Directory to be used for downloaded spaCy files. Should be the same across all instances of the class, since these are generally static model weights that can be reused. """ cache_dir = SpaCyModel.model_class_dir() / "cache" cache_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) return cache_dir def _write_input( self, X: List[str], labels: Optional[List[List[str]]], input_path: Path ): """ Write the given input texts and (optionally) labels to the file pointed to by ``input_path``. """ df = pd.DataFrame({"Text": X}) if labels is not None: df["Label"] = labels df.to_csv(input_path, sep="\t", index=False) def _write_labels(self, labels: List[str], labels_path: Path): """ Write the given labels to the file pointed at by ``labels_path``. """ labels_path.write_text(escape_line_delimited_texts(labels)) def _train( self, train_input:, context: ContainerTaskContext ) -> if train_input.valid_batch_size != warnings.warn( "The spaCy model doesn't batch validation data, so the validation " "batch size parameter will be ignored." ) self._write_input( train_input.X_train, train_input.y_train_multilabel, context.host_input_dir / SpaCyModel._TRAIN_INPUT_FILE, ) self._write_input( train_input.X_valid, train_input.y_valid_multilabel, context.host_input_dir / SpaCyModel._VALID_INPUT_FILE, ) labels = train_input.labels() self._write_labels( labels, context.host_input_dir / SpaCyModel._LABELS_INPUT_FILE ) # Determine checkpoint to use host_checkpoint_dir, container_checkpoint_dir = self._get_checkpoint( train_input.checkpoint, context ) cmd = ( "python3" " train" f" --input-dir {context.container_input_dir}" f" --output-dir {context.container_output_dir}" f" --model {self._get_model(container_checkpoint_dir)}" f" --architecture {self.architecture}" f" --cache-dir {SpaCyModel._CONTAINER_CACHE_DIR}" f" --train-batch-size {train_input.train_batch_size}" f" --num-train-epochs {train_input.num_train_epochs}" f" --dropout {self.dropout}" ) if self.full_pipeline: cmd += " --full-pipeline" if train_input.multilabel: cmd += " --multilabel" run_kwargs = self._base_docker_run_kwargs(context) # Mount the checkpoint in the container if needed maybe_mount( run_kwargs["volumes"], host_checkpoint_dir, container_checkpoint_dir ) # Mount the cache directory maybe_mount( run_kwargs["volumes"], self.host_cache_dir, SpaCyModel._CONTAINER_CACHE_DIR ) container_logs = run_container( self.docker_client, self.image_tag, cmd, self.logger, **run_kwargs ) # Read in the generated evaluation results with open(context.host_output_dir / SpaCyModel._VALID_OUTPUT_FILE, "r") as f: results = json.load(f) return valid_loss=results["mean_valid_loss"], valid_accuracy=results["valid_accuracy"], train_loss=results["mean_train_loss"], labels=labels, multilabel=train_input.multilabel, checkpoint=context.host_output_dir / SpaCyModel._TRAIN_OUTPUT_CHECKPOINT, _console_output=container_logs, ) def _read_predictions(self, predict_path: Path): return pd.read_csv(predict_path, sep="\t") def _predict( self, predict_input:, context: ContainerTaskContext ) -> if ( predict_input.predict_batch_size != ): warnings.warn( "The spaCy model doesn't batch prediction data, so the prediction " "batch size parameter will be ignored." ) self._write_input( predict_input.X, None, context.host_input_dir / SpaCyModel._TEST_INPUT_FILE ) labels = predict_input.labels self._write_labels( labels, context.host_input_dir / SpaCyModel._LABELS_INPUT_FILE ) host_checkpoint_dir, container_checkpoint_dir = self._get_checkpoint( predict_input.checkpoint, context ) cmd = ( "python3" " predict" f" --input-dir {context.container_input_dir}" f" --output-dir {context.container_output_dir}" f" --model {self._get_model(container_checkpoint_dir)}" f" --architecture {self.architecture}" f" --cache-dir {SpaCyModel._CONTAINER_CACHE_DIR}" ) run_kwargs = self._base_docker_run_kwargs(context) # Mount the checkpoint in the container if needed maybe_mount( run_kwargs["volumes"], host_checkpoint_dir, container_checkpoint_dir ) # Mount the cache directory maybe_mount( run_kwargs["volumes"], self.host_cache_dir, SpaCyModel._CONTAINER_CACHE_DIR ) container_logs = run_container( self.docker_client, self.image_tag, cmd, self.logger, **run_kwargs ) return y_pred_proba=self._read_predictions( context.host_output_dir / SpaCyModel._TEST_OUTPUT_FILE ), _console_output=container_logs, ) def _read_embeddings( self, embed_path: Path, pooling: ) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], Optional[List[List[str]]]]: embeddings = [] # type: List[np.ndarray] doc_tokens = [] # type: List[List[str]] with open(embed_path, "r") as f: for line in f: line_json = json.loads(line) embeddings.append(np.array(line_json["embedding"])) if pooling == doc_tokens.append(line_json["tokens"]) tokens = None if pooling == tokens = doc_tokens return embeddings, tokens def _embed( self, embed_input:, context: ContainerTaskContext ) -> self._write_input( embed_input.X, None, context.host_input_dir / SpaCyModel._EMBEDDING_INPUT_FILE, ) if embed_input.checkpoint is not None: warnings.warn( "The spaCy model vectors can't be fine-tuned, so custom " "checkpoints are ignored when generating embeddings." ) cmd = ( "python3" " embed" f" --input-dir {context.container_input_dir}" f" --output-dir {context.container_output_dir}" f" --model {self.model}" f" --architecture {self.architecture}" f" --cache-dir {SpaCyModel._CONTAINER_CACHE_DIR}" f" --embed-pooling {embed_input.pooling.value}" ) run_kwargs = self._base_docker_run_kwargs(context) # Mount the cache directory maybe_mount( run_kwargs["volumes"], self.host_cache_dir, SpaCyModel._CONTAINER_CACHE_DIR ) container_logs = run_container( self.docker_client, self.image_tag, cmd, self.logger, **run_kwargs ) X_embedded, embed_tokens = self._read_embeddings( context.host_output_dir / SpaCyModel._EMBEDDING_OUTPUT_FILE, embed_input.pooling, ) return X_embedded=X_embedded, embed_tokens=embed_tokens, _console_output=container_logs, )