Source code for gobbli.model.base

import logging
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import docker

from gobbli.model.context import ContainerTaskContext
from gobbli.util import (

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_WEIGHTS_DIR_NAME = "weights"

[docs]class BaseModel(ABC): """ Abstract base class for all models. Derived classes should be careful to call super().__init__(...) with the appropriate arguments if they override __init__() to preserve all the functionality. Functionality to facilitate making GPU(s) available to derived classes is available. """ # File containing information about the model, including type of model and gobbli version # the model was created under _INFO_FILENAME = "gobbli-model-info.json" # File containing model parameters (i.e. arguments to init()) _METADATA_FILENAME = "gobbli-model-meta.json" _WEIGHTS_DIR_NAME = _WEIGHTS_DIR_NAME _CONTAINER_WEIGHTS_PATH = Path("/model") / _WEIGHTS_DIR_NAME def __init__( self, data_dir: Optional[Path] = None, load_existing: bool = False, use_gpu: bool = False, nvidia_visible_devices: str = "all", logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Create a model. Args: data_dir: Optional path to a directory used to store model data. If not given, a unique directory under GOBBLI_DIR will be created and used. load_existing: If True, ``data_dir`` should be a directory that was previously used to create a model. Parameters will be loaded to match the original model, and user-specified model parameters will be ignored. If False, the data_dir must be empty if it already exists. use_gpu: If True, use the nvidia-docker runtime ( to expose NVIDIA GPU(s) to the container. Will cause an error if the computer you're running on doesn't have an NVIDIA GPU and/or doesn't have the nvidia-docker runtime installed. nvidia_visible_devices: Which GPUs to make available to the container; ignored if ``use_gpu`` is False. If not 'all', should be a comma-separated string: ex. ``1,2``. logger: If passed, use this logger for logging instead of the default module-level logger. **kwargs: Additional model-specific parameters to be passed to the model's :meth:`init` method. """ self._logger = LOGGER if logger is not None: self._logger = logger if data_dir is None: self._data_dir = self.model_class_dir() / generate_uuid() else: self._data_dir = data_dir # Ensure we have an absolute data dir so any derived paths used in metadata files, etc # aren't ambiguous self._data_dir = self._data_dir.resolve() self._data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) class_name = self.__class__.__name__ cur_gobbli_version = gobbli_version() if self.info_path.exists(): info = read_metadata(self.info_path) if not info["class"] == class_name: raise ValueError( f"Model class mismatch: the model stored in {data_dir} is of " f"class '{info['class']}'. Expected '{class_name}'." ) if not info["gobbli_version"] == cur_gobbli_version: warnings.warn( f"The model stored in {data_dir} was created with gobbli version " f"{info['gobbli_version']}, but you're running version {cur_gobbli_version}. " "You may encounter compatibility issues." ) if load_existing and self.metadata_path.exists(): params = read_metadata(self.metadata_path) if len(kwargs) > 0: warnings.warn( "User-passed params ignored due to existing model being " f"loaded: {kwargs}" ) else: if not is_dir_empty(self._data_dir): raise ValueError( f"data_dir '{self._data_dir}' is non-empty;" " it must be empty to avoid overwriting data." ) params = kwargs write_metadata(params, self.metadata_path) write_metadata( {"class": class_name, "gobbli_version": cur_gobbli_version}, self.info_path, ) self.use_gpu = use_gpu self.nvidia_visible_devices = nvidia_visible_devices self.docker_client = docker.from_env() self.init(params) f"{class_name} initialized with data directory '{self._data_dir}'" ) @property def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """ Returns: A logger for derived models to use. """ return self._logger @property def info_path(self) -> Path: """ Returns: The path to the model's info file, containing information about the model including the type of model, gobbli version it was trained using, etc. """ return self.data_dir() / BaseModel._INFO_FILENAME @property def metadata_path(self) -> Path: """ Returns: The path to the model's metadata file containing model-specific parameters. """ return self.data_dir() / BaseModel._METADATA_FILENAME
[docs] @abstractmethod def init(self, params: Dict[str, Any]): """ Initialize a derived model using parameters specific to that model. Args: params: A dictionary where keys are parameter names and values are parameter values. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _base_docker_run_kwargs(self, context: ContainerTaskContext) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Establish a base set of docker run kwargs to handle GPU support, etc. Map directories as specified by the context. Returns: Base kwargs for any model that will be run using Docker. """ kwargs = { "environment": { # Minimize the probability of containers exiting without dumping # buffered output "PYTHONUNBUFFERED": "1" }, "detach": True, "volumes": { str(context.task_root_dir): { "bind": str(context.container_root_dir), "mode": "rw", }, # Ideally we'd mount this as read-only, but some models (e.g. fastText) # need to write to their weights str(self.weights_dir): { "bind": str(BaseModel._CONTAINER_WEIGHTS_PATH), "mode": "rw", }, }, } # type: Dict[str, Any] if self.use_gpu: kwargs["environment"][ "NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" ] = self.nvidia_visible_devices kwargs["runtime"] = "nvidia" return kwargs @property def _base_docker_build_kwargs(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handle GPU support, etc via common args for any model Docker container. Returns: Base kwargs for any model that will be built using Docker. """ kwargs = {"buildargs": {}} # type: Dict[str, Any] if self.use_gpu: kwargs["buildargs"]["GPU"] = "1" return kwargs
[docs] def data_dir(self) -> Path: """ Returns: The main data directory unique to this instance of the model. """ return self._data_dir
[docs] @classmethod def model_class_dir(cls) -> Path: """ Returns: A directory shared among all classes of the model. """ return model_dir() / cls.__name__
@property def class_weights_dir(self) -> Path: """ The root directory used to store initial model weights (before fine-tuning). These should generally be some pretrained weights made available by model developers. This directory will NOT be created by default; models should download their weights and remove the weights directory if the download doesn't finish properly. Most models making use of this directory will have multiple sets of weights and will need to store those in subdirectories under this directory. Returns: The path to the class-wide weights directory. """ return self.model_class_dir() / BaseModel._WEIGHTS_DIR_NAME @property def weights_dir(self) -> Path: """ The directory containing weights for a specific instance of the model. This is the class weights directory by default, but subclasses might define this property to return a subdirectory based on a set of pretrained model weights. Returns: The instance-specific weights directory. """ return self.class_weights_dir
[docs] def build(self): """ Perform any pre-setup that needs to be done before running the model (building Docker images, etc). """"Starting build.") start = timer() self._build() end = timer()"Build finished in {format_duration(end - start)}.")
@abstractmethod def _build(self): """ Used for derived classes to define their implementation of the build method. """ raise NotImplementedError