Source code for gobbli.inspect.evaluate

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import (

from gobbli.util import (

[docs]@dataclass class ClassificationError: """ Describes an error in classification. Reports the original text, the true label, and the predicted probability. Args: X: The original text. y_true: The true label(s). y_pred_proba: The model predicted probability for each class. """ X: str y_true: Union[str, List[str]] y_pred_proba: Dict[str, float] @property def y_pred(self) -> str: """ Returns: The class with the highest predicted probability for this observation. """ return max(self.y_pred_proba, key=lambda k: self.y_pred_proba[k])
[docs] def y_pred_multilabel(self, threshold: float = 0.5) -> List[str]: """ Args: threshold: The predicted probability threshold for predictions Returns: The predicted labels for this observation (predicted probability greater than the given threshold) """ return pred_prob_to_pred_multilabel(self.y_pred_proba, threshold)
MetricFunc = Callable[[Sequence[str], pd.DataFrame], float] """ A function used to calculate some metric. It should accept a sequence of true labels (y_true) and a dataframe of shape (n_samples, n_classes) containing predicted probabilities; it should output a real number. """ DEFAULT_METRICS: Dict[str, MetricFunc] = { "Weighted F1 Score": lambda y_true, y_pred: f1_score( y_true, y_pred, average="weighted" ), "Weighted Precision Score": lambda y_true, y_pred: precision_score( y_true, y_pred, average="weighted" ), "Weighted Recall Score": lambda y_true, y_pred: recall_score( y_true, y_pred, average="weighted" ), "Accuracy": lambda y_true, y_pred: accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred), } """ The default set of metrics to evaluate classification models with. Users may want to extend this. """
[docs]@dataclass class ClassificationEvaluation: """ Provides several methods for evaluating the results from a classification problem. Args: labels: The set of unique labels in the dataset. X: The list of texts that were classified. y_true: The true labels for the dataset. y_pred_proba: A dataframe containing a row for each observation in X and a column for each label in the training data. Cells are predicted probabilities. """ labels: List[str] X: List[str] y_true: Union[List[str], List[List[str]]] y_pred_proba: pd.DataFrame metric_funcs: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[Sequence, Sequence], float]]] = None def __post_init__(self): if not len(self.y_true) == self.y_pred_proba.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "y_true and y_pred_proba must have the same number of observations" ) self.multilabel = is_multilabel(self.y_true) @property def y_true_multiclass(self) -> List[str]: return as_multiclass(self.y_true, self.multilabel) @property def y_true_multilabel(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return multilabel_to_indicator_df( as_multilabel(self.y_true, self.multilabel), self.labels ) @property def y_pred_multiclass(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns: Predicted class for each observation (assuming multiclass context). """ return pred_prob_to_pred_label(self.y_pred_proba) @property def y_pred_multilabel(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns: Indicator dataframe containing a 0 if each label wasn't predicted and 1 if it was for each observation. """ return pred_prob_to_pred_multilabel(self.y_pred_proba).astype("int")
[docs] def metrics(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Returns: A dictionary containing various metrics of model performance on the test dataset. """ metric_funcs = self.metric_funcs if metric_funcs is None: metric_funcs = DEFAULT_METRICS if self.multilabel: y_true: Union[List[str], pd.DataFrame] = self.y_true_multilabel y_pred: Union[List[str], pd.DataFrame] = self.y_pred_multilabel else: y_true = self.y_true_multiclass y_pred = self.y_pred_multiclass return { name: metric_func(y_true, y_pred) for name, metric_func in metric_funcs.items() }
[docs] def metrics_report(self) -> str: """ Returns: A nicely formatted human-readable report describing metrics of model performance on the test dataset. """ metric_string = "\n".join( f"{name}: {metric}" for name, metric in self.metrics().items() ) if self.multilabel: y_true: Union[pd.DataFrame, List[str]] = self.y_true_multilabel y_pred: Union[pd.DataFrame, List[str]] = self.y_pred_multilabel # Since these are indicator dataframes, the "labels" are indices labels: Union[List[str], List[int]] = list(range(len(self.labels))) else: y_true = self.y_true_multiclass y_pred = self.y_pred_multiclass # Since these are lists of labels, the "labels" are the strings themselves labels = self.labels return ( "Metrics:\n" "--------\n" f"{metric_string}\n\n" "Classification Report:\n" "----------------------\n" f"{classification_report(y_true, y_pred, labels=labels, target_names=self.labels)}\n" )
[docs] def plot(self, sample_size: Optional[int] = None) -> alt.Chart: """ Args: sample_size: Optional number of points to sample for the plot. Unsampled plots may be difficult to save due to their size. Returns: An Altair chart visualizing predicted probabilities and true classes to visually identify where errors are being made. """ # Since multilabel is a generalization of the multiclass paradigm, implement # this visualization the same for multiclass and multilabel using the multilabel # format pred_prob_df = self.y_pred_proba true_df = self.y_true_multilabel if sample_size is not None: # Avoid errors due to sample being larger than the population if the number # of observations is smaller than the sample size pred_prob_df = pred_prob_df.sample( n=min(sample_size, pred_prob_df.shape[0]) ) true_df = true_df.iloc[pred_prob_df.index] charts = [] if self.multilabel: legend_label = "Has Label" else: legend_label = "Belongs to Class" for label in self.labels: # Plot the predicted probabilities for given label for all observations plot_df = ( pred_prob_df[[label]] .rename({label: "Predicted Probability"}, axis="columns") .join( true_df[[label]] .astype("bool") .rename({label: legend_label}, axis="columns") ) ) charts.append( alt.layer( alt.Chart(plot_df, title=label, height=40) .mark_circle(size=8) .encode( x=alt.X( "Predicted Probability", type="quantitative", title=None, scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0.0, 1.0)), ), y=alt.Y( "jitter", type="quantitative", title=None, axis=alt.Axis( values=[0], ticks=True, grid=False, labels=False ), scale=alt.Scale(), ), color=alt.Color(legend_label, type="nominal"), ) .transform_calculate( # Generate Gaussian jitter with a Box-Muller transform jitter="sqrt(-2*log(random()))*cos(2*PI*random())/32" ) .properties(height=40) ) ) return alt.vconcat(*charts)
[docs] def errors_for_label(self, label: str, k: int = 10): """ Output the biggest mistakes for the given class by the classifier Args: label: The label to return errors for. k: The number of results to return for each of false positives and false negatives. Returns: A 2-tuple. The first element is a list of the top ``k`` false positives, and the second element is a list of the top ``k`` false negatives. """ pred_label = self.y_pred_multilabel[label].astype("bool") true_label = self.y_true_multilabel[label].astype("bool") # Order false positives/false negatives by the degree of the error; # i.e. we want the false positives with highest predicted probability first # and false negatives with lowest predicted probability first # Take the top `k` of each false_positives = ( self.y_pred_proba.loc[pred_label & ~true_label] .sort_values(by=label, ascending=False) .iloc[:k] ) false_negatives = ( self.y_pred_proba.loc[~pred_label & true_label] .sort_values(by=label, ascending=True) .iloc[:k] ) def create_classification_errors( y_pred_proba: pd.DataFrame, ) -> List[ClassificationError]: classification_errors = [] for ndx, row in y_pred_proba.iterrows(): classification_errors.append( ClassificationError( X=self.X[ndx], y_true=self.y_true[ndx], y_pred_proba=row.to_dict(), ) ) return classification_errors return ( create_classification_errors(false_positives), create_classification_errors(false_negatives), )
[docs] def errors( self, k: int = 10 ) -> Dict[str, Tuple[List[ClassificationError], List[ClassificationError]]]: """ Output the biggest mistakes for each class by the classifier. Args: k: The number of results to return for each of false positives and false negatives. Returns: A dictionary whose keys are label names and values are 2-tuples. The first element is a list of the top ``k`` false positives, and the second element is a list of the top ``k`` false negatives. """ errors = {} for label in self.labels: errors[label] = self.errors_for_label(label, k=k) return errors
[docs] def errors_report(self, k: int = 10) -> str: """ Args: k: The number of results to return for each of false positives and false negatives. Returns: A nicely-formatted human-readable report describing the biggest mistakes made by the classifier for each class. """ errors = self.errors(k=k) output = "Errors Report\n" "------------\n\n" for label, (false_positives, false_negatives) in errors.items(): def make_errors_str(errors: List[ClassificationError]) -> str: if self.multilabel: return "\n".join( ( f"Correct Value: {label in e.y_true}\n" f"Predicted Probability: {e.y_pred_proba[label]}" f"Text: {truncate_text(escape_line_delimited_text(e.X), 500)}\n" ) for e in errors ) else: return "\n".join( ( f"True Class: {e.y_true}\n" f"Predicted Class: {e.y_pred} (Probability: {e.y_pred_proba[e.y_pred]})\n" f"Text: {truncate_text(escape_line_delimited_text(e.X), 500)}\n" ) for e in errors ) false_positives_str = make_errors_str(false_positives) if len(false_positives_str) == 0: false_positives_str = "None" false_negatives_str = make_errors_str(false_negatives) if len(false_negatives_str) == 0: false_negatives_str = "None" header_name = "CLASS" if self.multilabel else "LABEL" output += ( " -------\n" f"| {header_name}: {label}\n" " -------\n\n" "False Positives\n" "***************\n\n" f"{false_positives_str}\n\n" "False Negatives\n" "***************\n\n" f"{false_negatives_str}\n\n" ) return output